Boost conversions with student wellness

7 examples of how schools can promote student’s wellness online and increase conversions

As we’re celebrating World Mental Health Day this week, we’re seeing a change in the education sector market. 

Parents have shifted their attention to care not only about pure academic success, but they also want to see what your school does to foster a caring environment for their child. 

Promoting student wellbeing isn’t just about ensuring the health and wellbeing of your students; it’s also a powerful tool for attracting and converting prospective students and their families.

By having mental health promotion as one of your key priorities, it enhances your appeal. 

In this article, we’ll share 7 examples to effectively promote student wellness online and, in turn, boost your school’s conversions.

Create a comprehensive student wellbeing website section:

Start by establishing a dedicated wellness section on your School’s website. 

This section should serve as a hub for all things related to wellness within your School. Include detailed information about your wellness programs, counselling services, fitness activities, and mental health resources. 

Make sure the section is user-friendly and visually appealing, with clear calls to action (CTAs) for prospective students and their families to explore further.

St. Paul’s School for example in London has a dedicated wellness section on their website, offering insights into their holistic approach to student wellbeing, including physical fitness, mental health support, and nutrition guidance.

Showcase success stories and testimonials:

Highlight success stories of students who have benefitted from your School’s mental health promotion initiatives. These narratives provide real-life examples of the positive impact of your commitment to student well-being, helping prospective families envision the benefits.

Wellington College in Berkshire featured success stories when it became the first school in the UK to introduce happiness and wellbeing to the curriculum. 

Maintain a dynamic wellness blog: 

Keep a wellness-focused blog on your website, regularly updated with informative and relevant content. 

Cover topics such as healthy living, stress management, and advice for parents on supporting their child’s wellbeing. 

Consistent updates can attract organic traffic and establish your school as an authority on wellness.

Eton College maintains a wellness blog that offers articles on various wellness topics, showcasing their commitment to student wellbeing through valuable content.

Engage on social media platforms

Actively use social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, to share wellness-related content, tips, and updates. Encourage current students to share their wellness experiences on these platforms, creating an authentic and relatable online presence.

Radley College engages with its audience on Instagram by sharing posts about wellness activities, mental health awareness, and student wellbeing achievements.

Host wellness workshops and webinars:

Organise wellness workshops and webinars open to prospective students and their families. These events can cover topics like stress management, nutrition, or mental health, showcasing your School’s expertise in wellness and fostering a sense of community.

Brighton College in East Sussex hosted webinars during the COVID-19 pandemic focused on wellbeing, attracting both current and prospective students and parents.

Share data on wellness impact:

Collect data on the positive impact of your wellness programs, such as improved student mental health, reduced stress levels, or enhanced academic performance.

Share this data through reports and infographics on your website, offering concrete evidence of the benefits of attending your School.

Charterhouse School publishes annual wellness reports with statistics and success stories, emphasising the tangible advantages of their wellness initiatives.

By implementing these seven practical steps to promote your School’s l wellness programme online, you can not only enhance the wellbeing of your current students but also attract and convert prospective students and their families who value a holistic and wellness-oriented educational experience.

If you want to explore how your School can promote its wellbeing initiatives online or you’d like to learn more about what we have done for our school partners, we would be happy to help advise you. Book a free consultation here.

DFS - post image - Why should my School add Threads to our Instagram profile

Why should my School add a Threads account to our Instagram profile?

How schools can elevate their social media presence with Threads

Introduced in July 2023 by Meta, Threads has created a buzz – leaving people questioning whether this is the end for Twitter. 

But what is all this buzz about?

As a school marketeer, you might be wondering how your School will benefit from a Threads account. 

In this article, we will explore what Threads is, why it’s popular and why your School should consider joining the platform. 

What is Threads and what does having a Threads Account mean for my School? 

Threads is a new platform for enabling public discussion with your audience. What Threads offers that Twitter doesn’t, is that it can be connected with your Instagram account. This means that you can add your existing Instagram and Facebook followers to Threads after joining the app and linking your account. You don’t have to start from scratch to build a social media presence for your School on Threads.

You can also reply and repost as you do on Twitter. Threads posts can be up to 500 characters long and you can include photos and videos that last no longer than 5 minutes. You can also share your Threads posts in your Instagram stories, or share the link of your Threads on other platforms. 

How can my School use Threads to attract new students? 

Make use of the 80/20 Rule

Spend 80% of your time educating and engaging with parents and students and 20% of your time promoting your School. The high character limit allows you to copy and paste previous content. Plus, you can get creative and post new content without restricting yourself to short-form content formats. 

Build a Two-Way Communication with Parents and Students

How many times did you post on your School’s Instagram account and leave comments with no response? 

This can damage your reputation and it doesn’t reflect the caring environment that your School has nurtured for its students.

This will cost you the time spent on creating a great piece of content while ignoring all the small details that make a difference.

This is why your School needs to be on Threads. There’s no DM feature. Nothing remains secret. Your audience having joined threads is open to starting conversations with your School. All you have to do is to create engaging content that will spark the interest of parents and students to start conversation with your School. In the long term this will increase your enquiries. 

Repurpose your IG content

If you’ve posted a carousel on Instagram, you can turn each slide into a series of Threads posts. Let’s say that you posted on Instagram about initiatives that empower your students to develop different skills.

Start explaining the different photos of the carousel on Threads and provide more details on the initiative and the positive results it had on your students.

As your Threads account is connected to your Instagram account, parents and students can always get back to your Instagram post. 

Follow the algorithm and see how it works

Threads posts don’t appear in chronological order – where the most recent post appears first. Your content won’t be displayed to all of your followers. It goes to the algorithm inventory, which means that your post will appear to the accounts that will most likely engage with your content. 

With Elon Musk suggesting that all the users of X, formerly known as Twitter, need to pay to have access to the platform, joining Threads presents a good alternative.

It offers lots of opportunities for your School to build a more interactive community with prospective students and parents.

As Threads is in its early days, it’s always good for you and your school marketing team to stay alert to any new developments and experiment on the platform.

Just remember that the goal of building a social media presence on any platform is lead nurturing with interactive engagement that will increase your admissions.

If it seems that you get a lot of interactions with prospective families on Threads, then keep adding value for them and attract them to your School! 

Want to learn how you can make the best use of Threads? Let Digithrive For Schools teach you the best practices of social media for Schools. Book a free consultation here