Email automation workflows best tips for schools 

Consistent communication is a key for filling your admissions funnel. By effectively communicating with prospective families you can turn those prospects that are in the ‘market stage’ into admissions. 

However, keeping everyone in the loop is not an easy task combined with the amount of information that you need to share. This is when setting up email automation workflows comes into play. Automated emails can save your school marketing team time and effort. 

Automated emails is a series of pre-scheduled emails that are triggered by actions or events. These emails are steps in a workflow created to guide your prospects through their journey, delivering relevant content at key stages to nurture engagement and deliver inquiries and admissions. 

The triggers that activate your workflows can be actions such as your prospect signing up for a newsletter, securing their spots at your open days, or reaching a milestone in their customer journey. 

Like a puzzle, every piece is important for parents to get an idea of your School and make a decision to enrol their children. 

Admissions journey workflows 

Once parents have shown an interest in your School, you can send a series of emails before the admissions deadline for the next academic year. 

Welcome message 

The first step once a family has inquired about your School is to keep them engaged and well informed. This email can include general information about your School, key dates, and helpful resources. Make sure you include images that showcase the nurturing and happy environment of your School so that you can help prospective parents to imagine their children at your School. 

Admissions process and open days dates 

This email outlines the steps that parents need to take to enrol their child. This can include the dates of your open days and invite parents to visit your School and experience what it is like to be part of your School community. Set reminders closer to the dates of your open days to ensure maximum attendance at your events. These emails should include simple CTAs and should be easy to understand. 

School’s community success stories and testimonials  

Testimonials are a great way to make a good impression on prospective parents. People often are influenced by the opinions of others. You may include testimonials of parents, current students or staff. This can help you dissuade any concerns that prospective parents may have and create a positive feeling for your School. 

Final message 

This final message should be a reminder that the enrollment deadline is approaching and encourage parents to take the appropriate steps to enrol their children at your School. Highlight that all the members of your School are excited about welcoming them into your School community. This last step will help you create excitement about your offer. 

Newsletter subscription workflows

The trigger for this workflow is when a parent subscribes to your newsletter. You can create a series of emails where you welcome parents to your online community and explain what they can anticipate to receive from your newsletter. You can use your newsletter as a means to regularly update parents of key achievements and highlights of your School community. Encourage parents to connect with your School across other social media channels by adding social media links. 

Open day registration workflows 

When a parent registers to attend your open day, it is important to send a confirmation email of their registration so they can add this to their calendar. Details such as location, date and time are important so that parents have everything they need. 

The day before your open day, send a friendly reminder to ensure you have the best turnout. 

A post-event email is crucial. Thank everyone who attended your events and include significant information such as application deadlines, financial support, prospectuses etc. 

Also, for those who didn’t have the chance to attend your open day, send a ‘sorry we missed you’ email and include information about your next open day. 

Final note

Email automation can help you maintain regular communication with prospective families. Having consistent communication with your prospects can increase your admissions. Make sure to include simple CTAs and direct your prospects to take the actions that you want them to take. 

If you would like more professional tips on marketing your School do get in touch with the Digithrive For School’s team who are always happy to help. Contact us here

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