Boost conversions with student wellness

7 examples of how schools can promote student’s wellness online and increase conversions

As we’re celebrating World Mental Health Day this week, we’re seeing a change in the education sector market. 

Parents have shifted their attention to care not only about pure academic success, but they also want to see what your school does to foster a caring environment for their child. 

Promoting student wellbeing isn’t just about ensuring the health and wellbeing of your students; it’s also a powerful tool for attracting and converting prospective students and their families.

By having mental health promotion as one of your key priorities, it enhances your appeal. 

In this article, we’ll share 7 examples to effectively promote student wellness online and, in turn, boost your school’s conversions.

Create a comprehensive student wellbeing website section:

Start by establishing a dedicated wellness section on your School’s website. 

This section should serve as a hub for all things related to wellness within your School. Include detailed information about your wellness programs, counselling services, fitness activities, and mental health resources. 

Make sure the section is user-friendly and visually appealing, with clear calls to action (CTAs) for prospective students and their families to explore further.

St. Paul’s School for example in London has a dedicated wellness section on their website, offering insights into their holistic approach to student wellbeing, including physical fitness, mental health support, and nutrition guidance.

Showcase success stories and testimonials:

Highlight success stories of students who have benefitted from your School’s mental health promotion initiatives. These narratives provide real-life examples of the positive impact of your commitment to student well-being, helping prospective families envision the benefits.

Wellington College in Berkshire featured success stories when it became the first school in the UK to introduce happiness and wellbeing to the curriculum. 

Maintain a dynamic wellness blog: 

Keep a wellness-focused blog on your website, regularly updated with informative and relevant content. 

Cover topics such as healthy living, stress management, and advice for parents on supporting their child’s wellbeing. 

Consistent updates can attract organic traffic and establish your school as an authority on wellness.

Eton College maintains a wellness blog that offers articles on various wellness topics, showcasing their commitment to student wellbeing through valuable content.

Engage on social media platforms

Actively use social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, to share wellness-related content, tips, and updates. Encourage current students to share their wellness experiences on these platforms, creating an authentic and relatable online presence.

Radley College engages with its audience on Instagram by sharing posts about wellness activities, mental health awareness, and student wellbeing achievements.

Host wellness workshops and webinars:

Organise wellness workshops and webinars open to prospective students and their families. These events can cover topics like stress management, nutrition, or mental health, showcasing your School’s expertise in wellness and fostering a sense of community.

Brighton College in East Sussex hosted webinars during the COVID-19 pandemic focused on wellbeing, attracting both current and prospective students and parents.

Share data on wellness impact:

Collect data on the positive impact of your wellness programs, such as improved student mental health, reduced stress levels, or enhanced academic performance.

Share this data through reports and infographics on your website, offering concrete evidence of the benefits of attending your School.

Charterhouse School publishes annual wellness reports with statistics and success stories, emphasising the tangible advantages of their wellness initiatives.

By implementing these seven practical steps to promote your School’s l wellness programme online, you can not only enhance the wellbeing of your current students but also attract and convert prospective students and their families who value a holistic and wellness-oriented educational experience.

If you want to explore how your School can promote its wellbeing initiatives online or you’d like to learn more about what we have done for our school partners, we would be happy to help advise you. Book a free consultation here.

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5 Benefits of School Marketing Automation with Latest Tools

From how your School can be successful in an increasingly competitive market, to how you can get smarter with posting on social media, there are dozens of things that a school marketeer must handle. Marketing a school can become undoubtedly overwhelming!

Using school marketing automation tools can help you overcome this struggle and get back to work. 

Automation isn’t just about staying on track, it’s a useful tool that will help you improve your communication with your team, increase your engagement with prospective parents and students, and enhance the efficiency of your school marketing campaigns.

In this article, we will explore some of the benefits of using automation in school marketing. 

Enhanced personalisation with school marketing automation

Effective school marketing is all about sending the right message to the right families at the right time. By sending general messages you’re risking your school marketing campaigns going unnoticed by prospective parents and students. Personal touches are always appreciated. Small details such as the first name of your recipient can work in your favour. By adding an extra layer of care you’re making a long-lasting impression. 

According to by personalising emails, marketers have seen an 82% increase in open rates of their email marketing campaigns. HubSpot is one of the tools where you can start building a personalised communication channel between your School, and not only existing parents and students but also prospective parents and students. 

Enhanced time efficiency whilst the clock is ticking

It can seem like you’re pushing your limits when you undertake repetitive tasks. Sending follow-up messages to interested students and parents can be time-consuming. Automation can free up your time to focus on more strategic planning. Automating email sequences when a student or a parent visits your website can help you nurture your leads and increase your enrollments. 

All marketing materials in one place

By using software like HubSpot and having all marketing materials in one place, you can maintain a consistent brand image. From email campaigns to social media posts across LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter you can build a consistent voice and define your School’s vision and goals, leaving no room for speculation by prospective parents and students. What’s more, you can track your performance at the same time!

Improved engagement and communication

How can marketing automation enhance your communication with prospective students and their families? In actual fact, much of your communication with them can be automated. This will help you increase the frequency of your communication – as it can save you hours of manually sending messages through multiple channels. 

For instance, you can implement automated email nurturing campaigns that engage parents and students at various stages of the admissions journey. When a family initially expresses interest in your School by downloading a brochure or attending an open day event, the automation system can send a series of personalised emails.

These emails may include information on your School’s unique curriculum, success stories from current students, and invitations to virtual campus tours or Q&A sessions. The automation system can adjust the content and timing of subsequent messages, ensuring that each family receives the most relevant information and feels genuinely supported throughout their decision-making process, ultimately increasing the likelihood of admission.

Data-driven decision making

You can track real-time data, which gives you the ability to understand what works the best and what needs to be optimised. By having detailed information about the performance of your campaigns, you can use the data to your advantage.

If you run an email campaign, you can observe the open rates, and the unique clicks on your content. That gives you an enhanced understanding who has connected with your content. On the other hand, if your numbers are not satisfying, you can do an A/B test by changing the subject lines, CTAs or visuals, segment your target audience, and understand which improvements you need to make.

Where to start with school automation marketing? 

ParentMail: It allows schools to send messages, notifications, newsletters, and updates to parents and guardians through various channels, including email, SMS, and a dedicated app.

EdSurge Product Index: This is a platform that helps schools discover and evaluate education technology solutions. It can automate the process of researching and identifying tools that can enhance your admissions process or student engagement.

SchoolCloud: It streamlines the admissions process by allowing schools to create online application forms, manage admissions documents, and communicate with prospective families. It also offers features for virtual parent-teacher meetings.

Hootsuite: Provides schools with a platform to schedule social media posts, monitor engagement, and analyse the performance of their social media content.

Want to learn how you can make the best use of school marketing automation? Let Digithrive For Schools teach you the best practices of school marketing automation. Book a free consultation here

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7 Must-Try TikTok Trends For Your School Marketing

With new social media platforms emerging regularly, one platform has taken the digital world by storm: TikTok. This short-form video platform has grown exponentially in recent years and shows no signs of slowing down, prompting schools to consider its role in their marketing mix. 

In this article, we’ll explore innovative strategies for leveraging TikTok’s potential to enhance your School’s marketing efforts.

First things first, what is TikTok? 

According to DemandSage,TikTok boasts over 1 billion active users worldwide, making it one of the most popular social media platforms globally. What sets TikTok apart is its unique ability to capture and retain users’ attention. The platform’s short-form videos, typically ranging from 15 to 60 seconds, are designed to be quick, engaging, and entertaining. Although initially taken up by Gen Z, this is becoming increasingly popular with Millennials with children.

So, how can your school use TikTok as part of your marketing mix? 

Here’s a few clever ways …

Spark Engagement with Interactive Challenges and Contests

TikTok thrives on challenges and contests that encourage user participation. Schools can tap into this trend by creating their challenges, and inviting students and followers to engage actively. These challenges could range from academic quizzes to creative challenges related to your School’s ethos.

Launch an ‘Academic Excellence Challenge’, where students submit short educational videos explaining complex concepts in a fun and engaging manner. The challenge not only promotes learning but also showcases your School’s commitment to academic excellence.

‘Meet our Faces’ Series with Student Takeovers 

Give your students the reins for a day or week. Allow them to take over your School’s TikTok account, providing a glimpse into their daily lives. This approach fosters a sense of community and trust among your followers.

Designate a ‘Student Ambassador of the Week’ who creates content showcasing their daily routines, favourite school spots, and interactions with school staff. This personal touch humanises your School and makes it more attractive to prospective students.

Behind-the-Scenes Tours

Take viewers on captivating behind-the-scenes tours of your School and facilities. Highlight hidden gems, secret study spots, and the vibrant atmosphere that sets your School apart.

Create a series of ‘Secrets of Your School’ videos, revealing intriguing aspects of your School, such as a centuries-old library or your new science lab.

Spotlight on Alumni Success

Showcase the achievements of your alumni to inspire current and prospective students. Share success stories, career journeys, and interviews with graduates who credit your School for their accomplishments.

Launch an ‘Alumni Spotlight Series’ featuring recent graduates discussing the impact of your School on their lives. This content reinforces your School’s reputation for fostering academic success and helping students achieve their career goals.

Interactive Connect and Inform Q&A Sessions

Host live Q&A sessions with school representatives, school staff, or students. Invite viewers to submit questions in advance or during the live session, creating an interactive and informative experience.

Schedule a ‘Student Life Q&A’ session where current students answer queries about school life, extracurricular activities, and academic support. 

Educational Mini-Series

Offer bite-sized educational content on TikTok, providing viewers with valuable insights and skills. These mini-series can cover a wide range of subjects, from exam preparation tips to career development guidance.

Launch a ‘Study Smarter’ mini-series where each episode focuses on a different study technique or time-management strategy.

Trend-Savvy Content by Joining the TikTok Trends

Stay attuned to TikTok trends and integrate them into your content. By participating in trending challenges, songs, or memes, your School can stay relevant and increase its discoverability.

Join a trending dance challenge and infuse it with your School’s spirit by featuring students and staff participating in the fun. 

TikTok represents a creative and powerful addition to your School’s marketing mix. Its vast and engaged audience, authenticity, creative potential, trend participation, student recruitment capabilities, cost-effectiveness, and tracking capabilities make it a useful platform for schools. By using the power of TikTok, your School can connect with a broader audience, showcase its unique personality, and stay ahead in the competition with other schools. So, don’t miss out on the opportunity—embrace TikTok and unlock its full potential for your School’s marketing success! 

If you have any more questions about using TikTok as part of your marketing mix or you’d like to learn more, we would be happy to help advise you. Book a free consultation here